A Laboratory Extraction Method to Simulate Codisposal of Solid Wastes in Municipal Waste Landfills

The objective of this research was to develop a laboratory extraction method for solid wastes that simulates concentrations of inorganic and organic constituents in leachates resulting from codisposal with municipal wastes in landfills. A scientific rationale and a data base are presented supporting the use of such an extraction method to characterize the potential hazards of leachates from a solid waste codisposed with municipal waste in a landfill containing about a 95:5 ratio of municipal and industrial waste, respectively. Two field lysimeters, each containing approximately 1.5 Mg of assorted municipal wastes, were used to generate a municipal waste leachate (MWL) that in turn was used to leach four industrial wastes under anoxic simulated codisposal conditions. Leachates from the four industrial wastes were monitored for concentrations of inorganic and organic constituents over 79 days at a liquid/solid ratio of MWL and industrial waste of approximately 20:1, similar to the liquid/solid ratio currently being used in the extraction procedure to determine toxicity under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Air-tight Tedlar® bags were used to collect leachate to avoid loss of volatile organic compounds and to maintain an anoxic environment. Data from the field lysimeter test facility were used to identify concentrations of “target” constituents (those constituents in the leachates of the industrial wastes that were observed at concentrations statistically higher than those observed in the control leachates). This data base was used as a model to evaluate several laboratory extraction methods that might be used to simulate the target concentrations.

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