Pyrolysis of Dimethyl Ether

An analysis of the published data on the pyrolysis of dimethyl ether shows that the reaction can be interpreted as a chain decomposition initiated by CH3OCH3CH3+OCH3 , terminated by CH3 radical recombination and accelerated by the chain transfer reaction CH3+H2→CH4+H. A simplified Rice‐Herzfeld mechanism then gives for the over‐all rate of reaction the expression −d(Me2O)dt=k0(Me2O)12[1+β(CH2O)(Me2O)+α(H2)(Me2O)] where k0=k2(k1/k10)½; k2 representing H abstraction by CH3 from Me2O and k10, CH3 recombination. The data yield a value of k0=4.31×10—3 (liter/mole)½ sec—1 at 777°K. Using published data on k2 and k10, an estimated activation energy E1=81.1 kcal and an estimated value of ΔS10=38 cal/mole‐°K one finds A1=6.1×1016 sec—1 and for the reverse reaction to 1, A—1=7.0×109 liter/mole sec. The data do not permit evaluation of β while α is in the range 0.3 to 0.4 for both H2 and D2. Independent calculations of α yield the values 0.8 for H2 and 0.6 for D2, both calculations having a probable error of a factor of 2. For the over‐all activation energy of the 32 ; order chain, E0=50.0 kcal. It is proposed that the observed exchange of Me2O with D2 is a heterogeneous reaction.