1. A possible minor route of ornithine catabolism in Aspergillus nidulans might begin with the ornithine decarboxylase reaction and end with the succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase reaction. It is therefore of interest that the putative structural genes for these two enzymes, puA and ssuA, respectively, are tightly linked in linkage group II. However, this linkage is unlikely to have regulatory significance because ileA, the structural gene for threonine dehydratase, separates them. The gene order in this region is ssuA-ileA-puA-mauB-anB. (mauB- mutations result in loss of monoamine oxidase whilst anB- mutations lead to aneurin auxotrophy.) 2. An auxotrophy for ornithine or putrescine in A. nidulans occurs in double mutants lacking arginase and blocked before ornithine in the arginine biosynthetic pathway. Some residual ornithine synthesis in such double mutants can be catalysed by ornithine δ-stransaminase, especially if it is synthesised constitutively.