Heat Capacity of Manganese Titanate from 30° to 300°K

The heat capacity of antiferromagnetic manganese titanate was measured between 31° and 300°K. The magnetic heat capacity of MnTiO3 was determined by subtracting the lattice heat capacity from the observed heat capacity. The lattice heat capacity of MnTiO3 may be represented by a sum of Debye and Einstein functions. The characteristic temperatures of MnTiO3 were estimated from the characteristic temperatures of isomorphous diamagnetic compounds. The entropy associated with the antiferromagnetic transition was calculated to be 3.51 cal deg−1, which is in good agreement with Rln6 . Only 55% of the magnetic entropy is acquired by the Néel temperature at 62.3°K. The thermodynamic functions Cp, S° (H° − H0°) / T , and −(F° − H0°) / T of MnTiO3 in cal deg−1·mole−1 at 298.15°K are: 23.93, 25.08, 13.38, and 11.70.