Light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the development of spermagonia and aecia of the heteroecious rusts Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. and M. epitea Thüem var. epitea on Larix decidua Mill. In both species spermagonia were formed subcuticularly by hyphae entering this region via lateral walls of epidermal cells and ramifying extensively. Spermatiogenesis was both annellidic and phialidic, in separate spermagonia. Spermatia were smooth and bacillate. Aecia were subepidermal and developing aeciospores were covered with a single layer of dikaryotic peridial cells. Aetiospore formation was meristem arthrosporic. Aeciospores were globose to subgtobose and verrucose with cog-like knobs superficially embedded in the secondary cell wall.