The Integrated Use of Toxorhynchites Amboinensis and Ground-Level ULV Insecticide Application to Suppress Aedes Aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

Two substandard, residential neighborhoods in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, were treated with either 3 ground level applications per week of ULV-applied malathion (48 ml AI/ha, or 0.67 fl oz AI/acre) or this same regimen of malathion in combination with weekly releases of laboratory-reared Toxorhynchites amboinensis (100 females per block). Malathion alone reduced average Ae. aegypti densities during the 14-wk study by ca. 29%. The integrated treatment of insecticide and predator release reduced the pest species by ca. 96%. It is suggested that the number of predators released and the frequency of application of insecticide can be significantly reduced without lowering the effectiveness of the integrated treatment.