“Healthometer”—An Instrument for Self-Distributed Health Screening and Prevention in the Population

In the ongoing expansion of medical systems toward prevention and health promotion, primary care is increasingly recognized as a key vehicle and agent. In order to establish a comprehensive health dialogue in the population, there is a need for innovative instruments corresponding to the information and linked media revolution that this shift is a part of. Based upon the experiences of the Department of Preventive Medicine in Malmö, Sweden, a self-mediated, interactive health testing and promotion instrument called “healthometer” has been developed and tested for feasibility. The instrument uses a special variety of a quintile-distributed visual analog scale with the thermometer as reference and allows: (a) easy summation and averaging of single or different aggregates of the test items as a “wellness” profile and score with emphasis upon the positive aspects of health, and (b) recognition against this on the whole favorable background of the weak points motivating further action. The instrument, which can be distributed on paper or electronic medium, supports participation and insight in the initial stages of a directed individual health program for the continuation of which the utilization of professional counsel is stimulated.