Hydrogen Bond Strength and Charge Distribution in the Bifluoride Ion, HF2−. Lattice Energies of LiHF2, NaHF2, KHF2, RbHF2, and CsHF2

Electrostatic energies and Madelung parameters for LiHF2, NaHF2, KHF2, RbHF2, and CsHF2 are reported together with a term‐by‐term calculation of the total cohesive lattice energy, all expressed as single‐parameter quadratic functions of the charge Q(F) on the terminal fluorine atoms of the linear HF2 ion. An assessment of the charge distribution in this ion is made in conjunction with a calculation of the enthalpy change, Δ H1 , of the reaction, HF2(g)→ HF(g) + F(g) , thus measuring the strength of the hydrogen bond. The intersections of the curves for Δ H1 as a function of Q(F) are used to assign values of −0.73 e.u. to Q(F) and 252 kJ mol−1 to Δ H1 and the following values for the total potential lattice energies: Epot(LiHF2)=820.6  kJmol−1; Epot(NaHF2)=755.3 kJmol−1; Epot(KHF2)=648.2 kJmol−1; Epot(RbHF2)=626.9 kJmol−1, and Epot(CsHF2)=607.4 kJmol−1 .