Photochemotherapy for Mycosis Fungoides

Nine patients with stages 2 or 3 mycosis fungoides (MF) and one with Sézary's syndrome were treated with oral methoxsalen and long-wave ultraviolet light. Previous therapy had either failed or achieved only partial control. Satisfactory clinical control was achieved in all but one case. Histological improvement was seen in all cases, but complete clearance of lymphoid infiltrate was noted mainly in epidermal and papillary dermal infiltrates. Lower dermal infiltrate remained largely unchanged. The case of Sézary's syndrome was inadequately controlled with systemic prednisone and cyclophosphamide, but addition of photochemotherapy improved the erythema and pruritus. This shows that photochemotherapy may have a place in MF treatment both alone and perhaps in conjunction with other treatments. An early relapse occurred on stopping photochemotherapy in four cases, but one patient has had three months' full remission. (Arch Dermatol115:50-53, 1979)