Homeoboxes in cnidarians

Homeoboxes have previously been documented from various phyla of triploblastic, coelomate and pseudocoelomate, animals. We report here the first homeoboxes from cnidarians, a phylum of diploblastic organisms thought to occupy a near-basal position in metazoan phylogeny. We have sequenced three partial (77 bp) fragments of Antennapedia (Antp) class homeoboxes from the hydroids Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and Eleutheria dichotoma. A pair of fragments, Cnox-2-Hs and Cnox-2-Ed, from the two species differ in nucleotide sequences but have identical derived amino acid sequences. A gene tree produced by parsimony analysis shows that these two fragments cluster within the Antp homeobox lineage. The third fragment, Cnox-1, clusters as a sister group of the other Antp class homeoboxes.