Calculations in the50<N,Z<82region with an interaction derived from the Tabakin potential

The region of the Periodic Table with 50Z, N82 is studied using fixed single particle energies and a semirealistic effective interaction derived from the Tabakin potential. All the free parameters are determined by fitting the data on the odd-mass Sn isotopes and N=82 isotones. A conventional quasiparticle formalism is then used to study the structure of a range of spherical nuclei near the N=82 and the Z=50 magic numbers. A deformed Hartree-Fock plus BCS method is used to obtain the structure and electromagnetic properties of deformed nuclei, particularly the neutron-deficient even Ba isotopes. Prolate deformation is found to be favored. In the Ba isotopes, although neutrons have BCS correlation, the protons develop an energy gap between occupied and unoccupied orbitals due to the Hartree-Fock field itself. The proton orbitals are then tested through spectroscopic calculations in La isotopes. Both for spherical and deformed nuclei, agreement between theory and experiment is very satisfactory.