Interaction and recovery cycle of the geniculate-striate system of the cat anesthetized with barbiturates was examined. The optic nerve, or nerves, were stimulated in the orbit by single or multiple shocks and records taken from tract, lateral geniculate nucleus and striate cortical areas. Long-interval facilitation processes of the order of 30 msec, and subnormal processes extending for seconds were found in all nuclear and cortical regions and must be considered to be typical total neuron factors. Extent of the recruitment was an inverse function of excited zone dimensions, and the overlapping synaptic connections showed extensive interaction through this long recovery cycle as evidenced by facilitation and occlusion. Bilateral interaction was regularly demonstrated at the cortical level, showing a complete cycle. Similar interaction was not recorded at the geniculate level suggesting that interaction processes of a total neurone type occur between radiation endings in the cortex, which appear to be responsible for the first 2 spikes of the cortical record.