Anterior Table Free Bone Graft Technique for Frontal Sinus Obliteration

The osteoplastic flap technique for exposure of the frontal sinus has been an accepted approach for cases in which obliteration or exploration of the frontal sinus has been necessary. Preservation of vascularized anterior pericranium is credited with reduction of the chances of anterior table bone resorption and subsequent cosmetic deformity. Disadvantages include the need for templates and unpredictable random fracturing in the supraorbital rim area, increasing the chance of potential injury to the periorbita and/or supraorbital neurovascular structures as well as limiting surgical exposure in some cases. Ten patients with chronic frontal sinusitis underwent frontal sinus obliteration using an anterior fable free bone graft technique over a 3 year period. The superior orbital neurovascular pedicles were easily identified and protected within its pericranial sheath in all cases. All patients had precise delineation of the frontal sinus anterior bone flap margins with no need for templates. Bone graft viability was documented in all patients, along with excellent cosmetic results comparable to the osteoplastic flap technique. A review of the literature and description of the technique are presented.