Venous Muscle Pump Improvement by Low Compression Elastic Stockings

The physiological effect of a graduated low compression stocking T.E.D.(R) (Kendall Co.) was evaluated by plethysmographic musculo-venous pump determination in 22 patients with primary varicose veins. A hip length T.E.D.(R) stocking was worn for a 6-week period. Efficiency of the musculo-venous pump was determined before and after treatment and a significant increase in venous return time (RT) and expelled volume (EV) was demonstrated. This was accompanied by subjective improvement. The pressure exerted by the stockings was measured in 20 legs by the Borgnis and Van den Berg method, and the pressure was in all cases below 15 mmHg. Effect of such low compression has not previously been documented for expelled volume in patients with varicose veins.