The plasmids of Acetobacter xylinum and their interaction with the host chromosome

Acetobacter xylinum contains a complex system of plasmid DNA molecules. Plasmids of molecular weights or copy numbers different from the original wild-type, are found in different types of mutants. Restriction endonuclease digestion and DNA/DNA hybridization analysis, showed that the plasmids often contained partly, but not completely the same DNA sequences. Two of these plasmid classes were analysed in more detail, and could be shown to differ in size by about 5 kb. Hybridization analysis using cloned DNA fragments as probes, showed that sequences lacking in the smallest plasmid were still present in a DNA fraction co-migrating with linearized chromosomal DNA. In addition, at least part of the DNA in the smallest plasmid was present both in the plasmid and chromosomal DNA fraction. Analysis of a particular strain containing an insertion of transposon Tn1, also indicated the existence of complex interactions between plasmids and chromosomal DNA. Together with experiments on conjugative transfer and curing of the plasmids, the results indicate that at least part of the genetic system of A. xylinum is unusual when compared to that of other genetically characterized bacteria.