Uranium mineralizations of three different paragenetic types are found in the iron ores of Uppland, the eastern of Central Sweden. The oldest uranium mineralizations were formed at the close of the Late Svecofennian palingenic processes at 1785 m. y. and consist of disseminated uraninite precipitated by an oxidation — reduction process in skarn ores. Another mineralization occurred in the fissured bedrock at 1585 m. y., and resulted in the formation of pitchblende, hematite and some simple sulphides in a gangue of chlorite, calcite and quartz. Also at this period a quartz‐breccia with pitchblende and minor amounts of bornite, calchopyrite, galena and hematite was formed. The younger periodof uraniummineralizationissupposedly related to a slight tectonic deformation of the Svecofennian rocks due to the emplacement of the Gothian granites and a precipitation of pitchblende in chemically reactive ferriferous rocks.

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