Twenty-three species and varieties of the chrysophyte Mallomonas (Mallomonadaceae) are reported from Ontario lakes and ponds. Identifications were based on electron microscopical details of siliceous scale and bristle structure and include seven taxa not previously reported from North America (M. peronoides (Harris) Momeu & Péterfi, M. alata f. hualvensis Asmund, Cronberg & Dürrschmidt, M. costata Durrschmidt, M. canina Kristiansen, M. pillula f. exannulata Harris, M. pumilio var. pumilio Harris & Bradley emend. Asmund, Cronberg & Dürrschmidt, M. pumilio var. munda Asmund, Cronberg & Dürrschmidt). Included also are several little-known species that have been reported only once or twice from North America. Mallomonas canina Kristiansen has many similarities with M. hindonii Nicholls and might be combined with it should examination of more material from other localities show there is a case for synonomy. Bristle structure, as a feature for distinguishing M. papilhsa var. papillosa from var. ellpsoidea, may no longer be supported since var. ellipsoidea bristles were found attached to var. papillosa scales. For consistency within the subgenus Mallomonopsis (sensu Asmund & Kristiansen 1986), the new combination Mallomonas bangladeshica (Tak. & Hay. emend. Wujek & Timpano) Nicholls comb.nov. is proposed. A listing of all North American reports of Mallomonas taxa (totalling 75) has been compiled. Of these, 66 Mallomonas species (and subspecies) have been reported from Ontario.