Analysis of quasielastic light scattering inLiTaO3nearTC

We have reexamined the Raman spectra of lithium tantalate from 294 to 1059 K with special emphasis upon the quasielastic scattering from 0200 cm1. We show that the complete A1-symmetry spectrum at each temperature, including both the lowest-energy optical phonon and the quasielastic scattering, can be fitted to the response function for a system with a relaxing self-energy χ1(ω,T)=ω02(T)-ω 2-iωγ(T)-δ2(T)/[1-iωτ(T)] and that the fitting parameters vary monotonically with temperature. In agreement with recent analysis of LiNbO3 [Okamoto, Wang, and Scott, Phys. Rev. B 32, 6787 (1985)] we find that the linewidth γ for the lowest energy A1 phonon increases rapidly with temperature, from 27 cm1 at 294 K to 382 cm1 very near TC; τ exhibits a critical slowing down from 0.50 ps far from TC to 2.6 ps at TC and continues to increase above TC (5.3 ps at 1059 K); the lowest-energy optical phonon ‘‘softens’’ only slightly, from ω0 of 202 cm1 at 294 K to 178 cm1 at TC=881 K (determined from the dielectric constant), and that the coupling constant δ2(T) increases supralinearly with temperature, as in LiNbO3.