Ultrastructure of the posterior half of the intestine of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus

The posterior half of the channel catfish intestine has a similar histological organization to that of other teleost fishes. This region is organized into a muscosa, a submucosa, a double layered muscularis and a serosa. A “stratum compactum” of dense connective tissue was confirmed for the submucosa. In its histology and cytology, the midgut resembles the hindgut, except that in the hindgut the muscularis is thicker, the microvilli are shorter, there are fewer absorptive inclusions in the columnar cells and there are more goblet cells. With the exception of the serosa, the tissue layers of the intestine of the 6 cm juvenile catfish are fully developed. The most notable difference between the intestines of the juvenile and adult catfish occurs in the columnar epithelial cells. The mucosal cells of the juvenile catfish contain an abundance of large clear vacuoles while the mucosal cells of the mature catfish contain smaller dense granules. With few exceptions, the ultrastructural details of the cells in the catfish intestine are identical to those of the same cell types of the mammalian intestine.