Clinical trials update from the American Heart Association: REPAIR‐AMI, ASTAMI, JELIS, MEGA, REVIVE‐II, SURVIVE, and PROACTIVE

This article provides information and a commentary on trials presented at the American Heart Association meeting held in November 2005, relevant to the pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of heart failure. All reports should be considered as preliminary data, as analyses may change in the final publication. In REPAIR‐AMI an improvement in ejection fraction was observed in post‐MI patients following infusion of bone marrow stem cells. However, the ASTAMI study showed no benefit of stem cell implantation in a similar patient cohort. The JELIS study reported a reduction in major coronary events in patients receiving statins plus fish oil compared to statins alone. MEGA showed that low dose statins in a low risk population reduce the incidence of major cardiovascular events. Two studies of levosimendan in acute heart failure gave conflicting results, in the REVIVE‐II study levosimendan was reported to have a superior effect on the composite primary outcome compared to placebo, however, in SURVIVE despite a trend to early benefit with levosimendan, there was no difference in effect on long‐term outcome versus dobutamine. The PROACTIVE study showed encouraging results for the use of pioglitazone in post‐myocardial infarction patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes.

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