Studies of Lymphocyte Culture: Products of Sensitive Lymphocyte-Antigen Interaction

The biologic activities of substances produced during stimulation of sensitized blood lymphocytes by specific antigen were studied with the following results. 1. A factor causing inhibition of migration of normal macrophages is produced, and, in the system used, the degree of inhibition is proportional to the degree of lymphocyte stimulation as measured by radioactive thymidine incorporation. 2. The activity of the inhibitory factor was increased in some experiments by increasing the dose of specific antigens. 3. Incubation of sensitive lymphocytes with antigen produces supernatants, which, when added to normal lymphocytes, cause them to respond with increased thymidine uptake. The resultant dose-response curve observed in normal cells exposed to such supernatant preparations parallels that observed when sensitive lymphocytes are cultured in the presence of antigen.