Crossover and scaling in a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid in two dimensions

We consider two-dimensional Fermi liquids in the vicinity of a quantum transition to a phase with commensurate, antiferromagnetic long-range order. Depending upon the Fermi surface topology, mean-field spin-density-wave theory predicts two different types of such transitions, with mean-field dynamic critical exponents $z=1$ (when the Fermi surface does not cross the magnetic zone boundary, type $A$) and $z=2$ (when the Fermi surface crosses the magnetic zone boundary, type $B$). The type $A$ system only displays $z=1$ behavior at all energies and its scaling properties are similar (though not identical) to those of an insulating Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Under suitable conditions precisely stated in this paper, the type $B$ system displays a crossover from relaxational behavior at low energies to type $A$ behavior at high energies. A scaling hypothesis is proposed to describe this crossover: we postulate a universal scaling function which determines the entire, temperature-, wavevector-, and frequency-dependent, dynamic, staggered spin susceptibility in terms of 4 measurable, $T=0$, parameters (determining the distance, energy, and order parameter scales, plus one crossover parameter). The scaling function contains the full scaling behavior in all regimes for both type $A$ and $B$ systems. The crossover behavior of the uniform susceptibility and the specific heat is somewhat more complicated and is also discussed. Explicit computation of the crossover functions is carried out in a large $N$ expansion on a mean-field model. Some new results for the critical properties on the ordered side of the transition are also obtained in a spin-density wave formalism. The possible relevance of our results to the doped cuprate compounds is briefly discussed.

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