Pathogenesis of posterior capsular opacification Part II: Histopathological and in vitro culture findings

The most interesting sources of information about the pathogenesis of posterior capsular opacification seem to be histopathological studies and in vitro tissue cultures. Since our surgical technique is extracapsular cataract extraction, the explants we used for tissue culture consisted of the anterior capsule epithelial sheet without the equatorial geminative zone. We successfully overcame several problems by using the autologous plasma clot culture method. This medium, considered the optimal one for this type of culture, allowed us to study the heterogeneous behavior of the epithelial cells in culture. Using the plasma clot culture method, we were able to demonstrate in vitro fibroblastic transformation of the epithelial cells. Histopathological findings of particular cases of posterior capsule opacification and immunohistochemistry of the human lens are also reported.