Parabiotic rats with one partner made diabetic by alloxan were used to study the effect of constant hyperglycemia on pancreatic hypersecretion. Approx. 50% of the diabetic rats showed markedly reduced hyperglycemia during the test period. Exogenous insulin given to the non-diabetic partner reduced the hyperglycemia in the diabetic partner, indicating that circulatory connections were sufficient for insulin transport. Surgical separation of the parabiotic rats produced an increase in the hyperglycemia of the diabetic rats, and exaggerated the other diabetic symptoms. Hypoglycemia, however, was not observed in the normal partner after separation. Parabiotic rats with both members diabetic were continually in severe diabetes, and no alleviation occurred except when exogenous insulin was given. Exogenous insulin given to one partner of diabetic-diabetic parabiotic rats reduced the blood glucose in both members of the pair. Complete bilateral cataracts and subnormal development of the gonads were observed in diabetic members of parabiotic rats which survived for a number of weeks; the cataracts appeared at approximately 8-12 wks. after the injn. of alloxan.