Comparative distribution of three opioid systems in the lower brainstem of the monkey (Macaca fuscata)

The regional distribution of the three opioid peptide neuronal systems‐proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proenkephalin A, and proenkephalin B‐was investigated in the lower brainstem of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) by immunocytochemical techniques. Antiserum to β‐endorphin/β‐lipotropin, [Met]‐enkephalin‐Arg6‐Gly7‐Leu8, and human leumorphin were used to identify the POMC and the proenkephalin A and B systems, respectively. POMC‐related immunoreactive material was not found in the neuronal perikarya in the lower brainstem; reactive fibers and apparent terminals were distributed in the substantia nigra, lemniscus lateralis, midbrain central gray, the nucleus raphes, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis, ventral area of the spinal trigeminal nerve, nucleus tractus solitarii, and in the reticular formation throughout the lower brainstem. Proenkephalin A‐related immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were detected in the central gray, reticular formation, nucleus raphes, trapezoid body, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, and in the nucleus tractus solitarii. Densely packed immunoreactive fibers were widely distributed in the substantia nigra, nucleus interpeduncularis, nucleus raphes, superior colliculus, periaqueductal central gray, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, locus coeruleus, trapezoid body, nuclei cochleares, nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, tractus spinalis nervi trigemini, nucleus tractus solitarii, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus, nucleus cuneatus accessorius, and in the reticular formation throughout the lower brainstem. Neuronal perikarya containing immunoreactive material related to proenkephalin B were found in the periaqueductal central gray, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, nucleus tractus solitarii, and nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini. In addition, immunoreactive fibers were detected in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, nucleus vestibularis lateralis and medialis, and in some areas of the reticular formation. These anatomical findings demonstrate that these three opioid peptide neuronal systems are widely but uniquely distributed in the lower brainstem of the monkey.