Dietary amino acids: effect of depletion and recovery on synthesis in vitro in rat skeletal muscle and liver

1. Rats were given diets containing 200 g/kg of a complete or incomplete amino acid mixture or of high- or low-quality proteins. After 6 d the amino acid-incorporating activity of ribosomes from skeletal muscle and liver was studied.2. The level of isotope incorporation relative to ribosomal RNA was similar for casein supplemented with methionine and for a complete amino acid mixture with the composition of whole-egg protein. Per wet weight of tissue there was a significant decrease after feeding with the complete amino acid mixture.3. There was a significant decrease in activity after feeding with amino acid mixtures deficient in lysine, methionine or tryptophan. In skeletal muscle, but not in liver, the ribosomal activity was less than that obtained with wheat gluten. Activity per wet weight of both tissues was less than that obtained with wheat gluten.4. Refeeding with methionine for 1 d resulted in complete restoration of ribosomal activity and activity per wet weight in skeletal muscle.5. After lysine deficiency, protein synthesis per unit wet weight of both tissues and ribosomal activity in liver were not restored after 2 d of refeeding. Recovery of ribosomal activity in skeletal muscle was complete after 1 d.6. Rats receiving the 200 g casein/kg diet supplemented with methionine at daily energy levels of 263, 176, 141 and 106 KJ (62.6, 42.1, 33.7 and 25.3 kcal) showed no changes in ribosomal activity, but there was a significant decrease in activity per wet weight when 106 KJ were given.