Health‐promoting nursing practice: the demise of the nursing process?

Health promotion is gaining widespread recognition throughout the world as the most efficacious practice in achieving health for all. In Canada, the philosophy of health promotion is driving both federal and provincial health initiatives. Such a philosophy is derived from a human science paradigm and is in direct opposition to the natural science paradigm from which the biomedical approach to health care emerged. There now exists a tension between these contrasting paradigms as health care shifts to embrace a health-promotion perspective. The nursing process is based in the natural science paradigm and on a biomedical approach to health care. In order for nurses to embrace health promotion fully, they must move away from the philosophy of the natural sciences and adopt a human science perspective. Such a shift requires a radical transformation in nursing practice as nurses move away from the 'top-down' approach of the nursing process and adopt a 'bottom-up' approach to health-promoting nursing practice. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the nursing process with the principles of health promotion, and to challenge our use of the nursing process in current nursing practice. In particular, a framework for health-promoting nursing practice will be provided.

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