The results of calculations of the steady-state ionisation balance in a silicon plasma are presented. The effect of collisional de-excitation on the dielectronic satellite ratios is shown to be important for electron densities in the range 1019 to 1024 cm-3 and temperatures greater than 100 eV. This is the regime of interest for laser-produced and laser-compressed plasmas and for which the dielectronic satellite ratios have been proposed as a useful density diagnostic. The sensitivity of the He-like resonance to intercombination line ratio alpha =N(21P1)A(21P1;11S0)/N(23P1)A(23P1;11S0) to the model used for the collision rates between singly bound He-like silicon levels has been investigated. Large differences in the calculated value of this ratio result from the use of different collisional models and so it may be possible to compare the results of different theoretical predictions with experiment.