Unrestricted principal components analysis of brain electrical activity: Issues of data dimensionality, artifact, and utility

Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on the 1536 spectral and 2944 evoked potential (EP) variables generated by neurophysiologic paradigms including flash VER, click AER, and eyes open and closed spectral EEG from 202 healthy subjects aged 30 to 80. In each case data dimensionality of 1500 to 3000 was substantially reduced using PCA by magnitudes of 20 to over 200. Just 20 PCA factors accounted for 70% to 85% of the variance. Visual inspection of the topographic distribution of factor loading scores revealed complex loadings across multiple data dimensions (time-space and frequency-space). Forty-two non-artifactual factors were successful in classifying age, gender, and a separate group of 60 demented patients by linear discriminant analysis. Discrimination of age and gender primarily involved EP derived factors, whereas dementia primarily involved EEG derived factors. Thirty-eight artifactual factors were identified which, alone, could not discriminate age but were relatively successful in discriminating gender and dementia. The need to parsimoniously develop real neurophysiologic measures and to objectively exclude artifact are discussed. Unrestricted PCA is suggested as a step in this direction.