Thermostable Ethanol-Insoluble Antigens of Brain

Summary: Antisera were obtained by immunization of rabbits with thermostable, ethanol-insoluble fractions of bovine, porcine and human brain. By means of these antisera, brain-specific antigens could be detected in a variety of serologic reactions. In double diffusion gel precipitation tests, the brain-specific reaction was represented by one hazy precipitation line. In immunoelectrophoresis the brain-specific line appeared in the anodal part of the electrophoretic field. Anti-porcine and anti-bovine brain BE sera combined not only with brain preparations of the homologous species origin but also with those originating from a heterologous species. However, the interspecies cross-reactions were much weaker than the homologous reactions. Evidence was presented that the antigens under study are not artifacts but are present in “native” preparations. The brain-specific antigen was predominantly present in the cerebral gray matter, it was not found at all in the sciatic nerve. The antigen under study was serologically distinct from the previously described thermostable, ethanol-insoluble, adrenal-specific antigen. It was also distinct from the brain lipid antigen known since the 1920's.