Glucose Utilization by the Extra-Hepatic Tissues

With the use of C14-labeled glucose the disposal of glucose by the previously fasted eviscerated rabbit was detd. Only a small proportion (10%) of the CO2 eliminated by this prepn. comes from the combustion of circulating glucose. One-third or less of the glucose that disappears is appearing as CO2 even after 9 hrs. of constant glucose injn. The rate of increase of specific activity of the expired CO2 at that time is so slow that it seems unlikely that the glucose disappearance rate would ever be accounted for by oxidation in this prepn. Considerable activity appears in the water-soluble fraction of the carcass with lesser amts. in the urine that is not glucose, urea or carbonate. Some of this material may represent dead end products of glucose that do not get to CO2 in the absence of the liver.

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