Indomethacin is Effective Against Neurogenic Hyperthermia Following Cranial Trauma or Brain Surgery

The effectiveness of indomethacin treatment (1 mg/kg) as an antipyretic was tested in patients after cranial trauma or brain surgery involving the centromedial forebrain. Indomethacin was effective in reducing temperature in 10 of 11 cases which showed a dipyrone-resistant hyperthermia developing in the first 24 hours after brain damage, while no significant antipyretic effect was seen in hyperthermic cases developing more than 72 hours after cranial trauma or brain surgery. Biochemical tests estimating the effect of indomethacin, and pyrazolone derivatives on the arachidonic acid metabolism showed significant effects of indomethacin only in influencing cyclooxygenase activity and no effect of any drugs on lipoxy — genase actions. In view of these observations, the use of indomethacin is recommended as a treatment for neurogenic hyperthermia.