The angular distributions of the ground-state protons resulting from the deuteron bombardment of B10 has been investigated at six energies in the 1- to 4-Mev interval. The reaction protons were recorded photographically at all angles from 5° to 165° and their distribution was determined by microscopic examination of the photographic emulsion. The resulting intensity variation with angle can be expressed within experimental error as a second-order Legendre polynomial series for all energies except the highest, for which a fourth-order series is required. S-wave deuterons predominate in producing this reaction, but p-wave effects occur even for the lowest energy distribution studied. D-wave contributions are noticed for deuteron energies above 3 Mev. The behavior of the coefficients in the series representation shows that several broad over-lapping resonance levels, of both even and odd parity, in the compound nucleus probably enter into this reaction.