Interrelationships among nine periparturient traits and their association with parity were investigated in 8521 calvings of dairy cows examined routinely between 5 to 14 d postpartum. Rates of twins, stillbirth, milk fever, prolapsed uterus, retained placenta, primary metritis, displaced abomasum, ketonuria, and aciduria were 5.8, 6.3, 1.4, .3, 17.8, 36.1, 1.7, 30.4, and 29.5%, respectively. The risk for twins, milk fever, prolapsed uterus, displaced abomasum, ketonuria, and aciduria increased with parity, whereas that for stillbirth and metritis was higher in heifers than in cows. Stillbirth, retained placenta, metritis, displaced abomasum, ketonuria, and aciduria were directly associated with birth of twins: prolapsed uterus and retained placenta with stillbirth: prolapsed uterus, retained placenta, and primary metritis with milk fever; displaced abomasum, ketonuria, and aciduria with retained placenta and with metritis; ketonuria and aciduria with displaced abomasum and aciduria with ketonuria.