Effect of Photic Stimulation on Human Visual Cortex Lactate and Phosphates Using1H and31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Previous animal and human studies showed that photic stimulation (PS) increased cerebral blood flow and glucose uptake much more than oxygen consumption, suggesting selective activation of anaerobic glycolysis. In the present studies, image-guided 1H and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to monitor the changes in lactate and high-energy phosphate concentrations produced by PS of visual cortex in six normal volunteers. PS initially produced a significant rise (to 250% of control, p < 0.01) in visual cortex lactate during the first 6.4 min of PS, followed by a significant decline (p = 0.01) as PS continued. The PCr/Pi ratios decreased significantly from control values during the first 12.8 min of PS (p < 0.05), and the pH was slightly increased. The positive P100 deflection of the visual evoked potential recorded between 100 and 172 ms after the strobe was significantly decreased from control at 12.8 min of PS (p < 0.05). The finding that PS caused decreased PCr/Pi is consistent with the vi...