Variations in microbial indicator densities in beach waters and health-related assessment of bathing water quality

Daily and hourly variations in microbial indicators densities in the beach-waters of Hong Kong have been described. The levels of Escherichia coli at a number of beaches was observed to be influenced by tide, and for staphylococci, by bather numbers. The tidal influence was most obvious during spring tides; and for the effect of bathers, during neap tides. Both organisms are present in high densities in external sources of faecal pollution of bathing beaches, with the average staphylococci to E. coli ratios being 0·04–3. Staphylococci may serve as an indicator of bather density and the risk of cross-infection amongst bathers (rather than as another indicator of faecal contamination) when the average staphylococci to E. coli ratio for a bathing beach is considerably higher than 3. The variability of microbial indicator densities means the routine sampling of bathing beaches should be carried out on weekend days with maximum numbers of swimmers exposed to the water, and spread throughout the bathing season.