Anti-Candida resistance in the mouse brain and effect of intracerebral administration of interleukin 1

The effects of intracerebral and intravenous Candida albicans infection on experimental meningo-encephalitis in mice were compared. Naive mice inoculated with two C. albicans strains of different pathogenicity (highly virulent CA-6 and poorly virulent PCA-2) were more resistant to infection when the yeasts were inoculated by the intracerebral rather than the intravenous route. In immunized mice, in which systemic immunity had been induced by long-term colonization with low-virulence PCA-2 cells, increased intracerebral resistance to challenge with virulent Candida was observed at about two weeks post-infection. In contrast, the inoculation of PCA-2 cells directly into the brain resulted in early, long-lasting activation of local microbicidal mechanisms against intracerebral challenge with CA-6, Staphylococcus aureus or Aspergillus fumigatus. Increased local anti-Candida resistance was also observed upon intracerebral injection of human recombinant interleukin 1. These data suggest that, in addition to the intracerebral expression of systemic antifungal immunity, microbial mechanisms may be locally activated in the brain, possibly through release of endogenous interleukin 1.