Gynandromorphs with female XX-and male XO-areas result from the loss of an unstable ring-X-chromosome in the early cleavage mitoses of ring/rod-X-chromosome heterozygotes. The phenotypes of the recessive alleles on the rod-X-chromosome are expressed in the XO-areas. 377 larval gynandromorphs of the genotypeR(1)2, In(1)w vC /y w sn3Iz50e mal were examined and scored for the phenotypes of 13 paired and 10 unpaired structures (Table 2, Fig. 2). This was possible mainly by the cell-autonomous expression of aldehyde oxidase activity in soft tissues and by the comparison of the distribution of enzyme activity in wildtype and gynander larvae. The distances between pairs of structures were calculated in sturt-units (Tables 3 and 4). A morphogenetic fate map with the presumptive areas of larval structures was constructed (Fig. 3). The relative positions of the structures agree well with Poulson's fate map (Fig. 4). In addition, the distribution of phenotypes was scored in 380 adult gynandromorphs Table (5). The fate map (Fig. 5) which was constructed from these data is very similar to the fate map of larval structures. This similarity becomes even more pronounced if fate maps are constructed which contain only structures analogous in larva and imago (Table 6, Fig. 6). Therefore an attempt was made to set up an integrated morphogenetic fate map containing the presumptive areas of both larval and imaginal structures (Fig. 7). The possibilities of further blastoderm mapping are discussed.