Study of Nonstrange Mesons Produced inKpInteractions at 3.9 and 4.6 GeV/c

An investigation is presented on the production and decay properties of pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor mesons produced in association with Λ, Σ0, and Y*(1385) from Kp interactions at 3.9 and 4.6 GeV/c. The data have been compared with SU(3) and quark-model predictions. New measurements of the mass, width, and branching ratios of the φ(1019), f(1519), and Y*(1385) resonances are given. Our analysis of the η meson favors the JPC=0+ classification. The properties of this well-known meson are compared with those of our previously proposed M(953) meson. An important aspect of this study is that we have placed particular emphasis on taking the background into account when we extracted resonance quantities such as the density-matrix elements.