Course and Contents of the Paravestibular Canaliculus

The purpose of this study is to describe the anatomy of the paravestibular canaliculus (PVC) in detail, specially its course in relation to the vestibular aqueduct (VA) and its vascular contents. Serial horizontal sections of 20 normal human temporal bones were stained either with hematoxylin and eosin, by Verhoeff-van Gieson's method, or by Mallory's method, and studied under the light microscope. Graphic reconstruction of the VA and the PVC was performed in some of the cases. In this study, the following new anatomical information on the common course and vascular contents of the PVC was obtained: 1) two PVC are present in the area near the vestibular orifice of the VA; 2) the PVC merges with the VA in the area near its cranial orifice without any particular branching, and does not enter the posterior cranial fossa; 3) veins course through the entire length of the PVC whereas arteries course only through the posterior cranial fossa side of the PVC. It appears that veins are the major contents of the PVC and that these veins represent the main venous drainage system from the vestibule. It also appears that arteries in the PVC supply the blood from the posterior cranial fossa mainly to the PVC itself.

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