Coulomb-deflection effect in inner-shell ionization by heavy charged particles

K-shell x-ray production cross sections were measured for Ni28(K) in collision with H11 ions of kinetic energies 55 to 300 keV, H12 ions of 100 to 300 keV, and He24 ions of 200 to 300 keV; for Pd46(K) with H11 ions of 215 to 300 keV, and for Ag47(K) with H11 ions of 200 to 300 keV. L-shell x-ray cross sections were measured for Ag47(L) in collision with H11 ions of kinetic energies 35 to 300 keV, with H12 ions of 60 to 300 keV, with He24 ions of 110 to 300 keV, and for Au79(L) with H11 ions of 140 to 300 keV. The collisions conditions were such that the effect of the projectile energy loss during the ionizing collision became significant for the K-shell ionizations, but remained unimportant for the L-shell ionizations. The measurements extend the experimental range of the Coulomb-deflection variable dq0S over previous measurements for the shells S=K by a factor ∼ 1.2, and for S=L by a factor ∼ 2. This permits a decisive test of current theories for the effect of the deflection of the projectile in the Coulomb field of the target nucleus on inner-shell ionization cross sections.