Desorption of fullerene C60 from a mixture with a copolymer of trifluorochloroethylene and vinylidene fluoride

Thermal desorption mass spectrometry has been used to study the desorption of fullerene C60 molecules from a mixture with a copolymer of trifluorochloroethylene and vinylidene fluoride. The temperature range of the C60 yield from the copolymer mixture is substantially lower (approximately 100°C lower) than the temperature range for the sublimation of pure C60 molecules. The temperature range of the C60 yield from the copolymer mixture is the same as that for the desorption of HCl and HF formed as a result of copolymer cross linking reactions. The desorption of C60 from the copolymer mixture is a two-stage process correlated with the stages of HCL and HF formation for which the temperatures at the maximum desorption rates differ. The results suggest that the copolymer cross-linking processes and the desorption of C60 molecules are interrelated.

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