Most grasshoppers of the prairie region of Western Canada hatch in the spring and complete their life-cycles in one year. There are a few species, however, that hatch in the fall and overwinter as partly grown nymphs; these include the oedipodines Arphia conspersa Scudd., Pardalophora apiculata (Harr.), Xanthippus corallipes latefasciatus Scudd., and Cbortophaga viridifasciata (Deg.) and the acridine Psoloessa delicatula delicatula (Scudd.). Criddle (1933) suggested this when he stated that, although the eggs of some Oedipodinae that hibernate as nymphs normally hatch within a month or two after oviposition, they occasionally fail to do so, in which case a further period of 12 months may occur before hatching takes place. The life-historia of all thest except C. viridifasciata were studied.