A Comparative Study of Neurotic Depression in Symptomatic Volunteers and Psychiatric Patients

A comparative study of neurotic depression in 66 symptomatic community volunteers (SVs) and 43 formal psychiatric patients is reported. Compared to the psychiatric patients the SVs were older and there was a less marked female preponderance. Their depression was of a longer duration and vegetative symptoms (e.g. appetite and weight loss) were less marked. They were less likely to have made a suicide attempt in the past, less likely to be single or divorced, and much less likely to have experienced a disruption in an intimate relationship in the preceding year. On personality measures the SVs rated as having a more internal locus of control and a higher self-esteem. An Index of Definition cut-off point of 5 or more on the PSE for a neurotic depressive ‘case’ is supported by the finding that only 2% of the patients, compared with 26% of the SVs, did not rate as ‘cases’.

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