Penile Advancement and Lengthening in Spinal Cord Injury Patients With Retracted Phallus who have Failed Penile Prosthesis Placement Alone

Even in the presence of a penile prosthesis, a subset of spinal cord injury patients remains unable to maintain a condom catheter securely due to inadequate penile shaft length and disappearance of the corpora beneath the pubic fat pad when in the sitting position. We describe 3 patients in whom a successful resolution to this problem has been achieved with rational surgical management, including lysis of the suspensory ligament of the penis, approximation of the infrapubic soft tissues posterior to the corpora so as to advance the corpora anteriorly and buttress against posterior migration (retraction) in the sitting position, maximizing the length and fit of prosthetic rods, and, when indicated, release of infrapubic skin tethering with a modified Z-plasty technique.