High-field pulsed electron–electron double resonance spectroscopy to determine the orientation of the tyrosyl radicals in ribonucleotide reductase

Class I ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are composed of two subunits, R1 and R2. The R2 subunit contains the essential diferric cluster-tyrosyl radical (Y.) cofactor, and R1 is the site of the conversion of nucleoside diphosphates to 2'-deoxynucleoside diphosphates. It has been proposed that the function of the tyrosyl radical in R2 is to generate a transient thiyl radical (C439.) in R1 over a distance of 35 A, which in turn initiates the reduction process. EPR distance measurements provide a tool with which to study the mechanism of radical initiation in class I RNRs. These types of experiments at low magnetic fields and frequencies (0.3 T, 9 GHz) give insight into interradical distances and populations. We present a pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) experiment at high EPR frequency (180-GHz electron Larmor frequency) that detects the dipolar interaction between the Y.s in each protomer of RNR R2 from Escherichia coli. We observe a correlation between the orientation-dependent dipolar interaction and their resolved g-tensors. This information has allowed us to define the relative orientation of two radicals embedded in the active homodimeric protein in solution. This experiment demonstrates that high-field PELDOR spectroscopy is a powerful tool with which to study the assembly of proteins that contain multiple paramagnetic centers.

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