Stochastic Ordering for Internet Congestion Control and its Applications

Window growth function for congestion control is a strong determinant of protocol behaviors, especially its second and higher-order behaviors associated with the distribution of transmission rates, its variances, and protocol stability. This paper presents a new stochastic tool, called convex ordering, that provides an ordering of any convex function of transmission rates of two protocols and valuable insights into high order behaviors of protocols. As the ordering determined by this tool is consistent with any convex function of rates, it can be applied to any unknown metric for protocol performance that consists of some high-order moments of transmission rates, as well as those already known such as rate variance. Using the tool, it is analyzed that a protocol with a growth function that starts off with a concave function and then switches to a convex function (e.g., an odd order function such as x3 and x5) around the maximum window size in the previous loss epoch, gives the smallest rate variation under a variety of network conditions. Among existing protocols, BIC and CUBIC have this window growth function. Experimental and simulation results confirm the analytical findings.

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