Bestimmung der Referenzbereiche rheologischer Parameter: Studie an 653 zufällig ausgewählten Probanden im Kreis Aachen

To determine reference ranges for rheologic parameters (hematocrit, plasma viscosity, erythrocyte aggregation, erythrocyte rigidity) a randomized study involving 653 subjects was carried out. Conditions of sampling, transportation and storing of blood specimens were established prior to the survey. Only 283 subjects met the criteria for enrollment in the study; the others were rejected because of inconspicuous history, normal findings in physical and Doppler-sonographic examination and absence of the risk factors hypertension, diabetes mellitus, overweight, rheumatic diseases, and smoking. The reference range for hematocrit was determined by an impedance-measuring device to equal 39–52% for males and 34–50% for females. The reference range for plasma viscosity, measured by a capillary-tube-plasma viscometer, was found to vary from 1.14 mPas to 1.34 mPas. The reference values for the standardized erythrocyte aggregation index was determined with the mini erythrocyte aggregometer to range from 8 to 21. Erythrocytes measured with the selecting-erythrocyte rigidometer showed a rigidity reference range between 0.83 and 1.19. Analysis of the results revealed that the parameters were independent of age (except in young children) and sex (with the exception of hematocrit).