University of Pennsylvania Radiocarbon Dates XII

This list is a continuation of Univ. of Pennsylvania Dates VII (Radiocarbon, 1965, v. 7, p. 179-186). It includes results for samples of Sequoia gigantea and for Pinus aristata, most of which were tree-ring dated at the Lab. of Tree-Ring Research, Univ. of Arizona.All sequoia and bristlecone pine samples have been corrected for deviations in C13/C12 ratios. The δC13 values listed represent the deviations (multiplied by 2) of the samples measured from the δC13 value of our 100-yr old standard oak sample which is also the reference value (adjusted for zero age) for the calculation of δC14. In our previous publication (Radiocarbon, 1965, v. 7, p. 179-186), δC13 values were erroneously reported as negative deviations from our oak standard. For the calculation of the Δ's, however, they were used in the correct sense. This mistake has been corrected in this list and one notes that the sequoias and bristlecone pines tend to be enriched slightly in C13 as compared with the oak standard.