On the action mechanism of cytokinins in mosses: Caulonema specific proteins

Soluble proteins extracted with Tris-buffer pH 8.8 from both differentiation stages of the protonema of Funaria hygrometrica (chloronema and caulonema) were separated by microgel electrophoresis. 4x10-3 mg protein/gel was applied. The caulonema, which is the only part of the protonema able to form buds following cytokinin treatment, contained 3 protein bands, which were absent in chloronema. We designate them as “caulonema specific proteins” (CSP, approximate molecular weight 500,000). The CSP disappear when the caulonema is isolated and its cells regenerate to chloronema. The CSP bind kinetin (6 Furfurylamino [8-14C]purine) or BAP (6-benzylamino[8-14C]purine) about 10 times stronger than the remaining protein bands in the gel. The greatest part of the cytokinin is metabolized in a short time and consequently a part of the activity in the gel is incorporated into RNA and removable with RNase. Simultaneous application of adenosine and cytokinin reduced the incorporation of radioactivity into RNA and enhanced the specific activity in one of the CSP bands. In all other bands it remained unchanged. From the results it can be suggested that the CSP are probably involved in the early reactions to cytokinin of the target cells.